I haven't blogged in forever. It isn't even b/c I am too busy, I guess I just don't have too much to talk about. My brother got home from Iraq safely on April 28th. We went to the base for the grand arrival, and it was great. We all wore tshirts that said "Welcome Home Charlie Company" and waved flags. It was very emotional, but happy.
(Yes, I am a pic stealer MK!) There were a couple of news crews there. I watched the videos online and I saw Smoo on both channels, in both clips you could only see him for a second though.
Dan has recently started a new job. It seems like it will be very promising. He is now a locksmith. He has been training for a couple of weeks, but should start on his own very soon. There will be a significant pay increase, so we are thrilled.
That is really about all that has been going on around here. I will try to post something else soon.
Smoo on the news! :)
Glad John is home safely, and good luck to Dan and the new job!
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