Friday, May 16, 2008

The Graduate

My baby isn't really a baby anymore :( He is out of preschool and on to kindergarten in the fall.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Bad Blogger

I haven't blogged in forever. It isn't even b/c I am too busy, I guess I just don't have too much to talk about. My brother got home from Iraq safely on April 28th. We went to the base for the grand arrival, and it was great. We all wore tshirts that said "Welcome Home Charlie Company" and waved flags. It was very emotional, but happy.

(Yes, I am a pic stealer MK!) There were a couple of news crews there. I watched the videos online and I saw Smoo on both channels, in both clips you could only see him for a second though.

Dan has recently started a new job. It seems like it will be very promising. He is now a locksmith. He has been training for a couple of weeks, but should start on his own very soon. There will be a significant pay increase, so we are thrilled.

That is really about all that has been going on around here. I will try to post something else soon.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

We had Smoo's booster shots yesterday. It is a good thing that Dan was there b/c I couldn't have held him down on my own. When we got there he wasn't upset or anything, but he started to get nervous when they called us back to the room. When we got in there and he saw the needles, he started to cry. He had to have 4 shots, and after the 1st one he was hysterical. In between his loud, pitiful sobs and crocidile tears, he was screaming at the nurse "DON'T DO THAT AGAIN!!" and "GET AWAY FROM ME!!" It was a pretty bad ordeal, and I felt horrible when he looked at me like I had betrayed him. Luckily, there is nothing in a child's world that a happy meal can't fix. He had forgotten all about after only 15 minutes.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Won't be long now!

John is leaving Iraq on April 15th. He will be back in Jackson on April 25th. We won't know how much warning we will have to get to the base to meet him, but we do know that is the date. They will be at Camp Legune for a few days, and then they will fly them back to Jackson. From the airport they will bus them to the base, and that is where we can pick him up. We hope they can call before they get on the plane to come to Jackson, so we will atleast know about what time. We are SO EXCITED to have him coming home. He has only been gone since September, but it has felt like a really long time to me. We have missed him at every holiday, birthday and gathering for the past 7 months. We love you John...only 24 more days until you are back where you should be.
(This is a picture of John that someone took this past Christmas in Iraq. )

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I know I am a bad blogger. I feel like I never have anything interesting worth writing about, but I realize that I haven't posted much lately. So I guess I can do a quick update.
I sent off my registration for school this week, and completed all my FASFA applications. I hope to hear back on all that soon. Speaking of school, I am registering the Smoo for kindergarden on April 22. That seems very soon to me, but I guess it will be a relief when I am not scrambling to do it in August. He doesn't know this yet....but we are going to have to get booster shots before registration. I figured I would tell him we were going to the zoo, and when we pull up at the clinic I will say "You're right, this doesn't look like the zoo. But hey we're here so let's go in and check it out!" Just kidding, our mom used to do that to us.
I have been walking every night for the past month. Well, most every night ;) I feel like I have seen some results.
My brother will be leaving Iraq in 20 days. There will be a few stops in between there and home, so we look for him to be back the last week in April. We are so excited. I can't believe that we are so close to the time when he will actually be home.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Big Winner!!

I won at the casino this weekend!!! YeeeeHaaaaww! We went on Friday night to celebrate my sister's 25th birthday. I had no intentions of gambling b/c I am far too stingy with my money to waste it. We went to eat and hear a band that was playing, but stepped out on the casino floor just to look around. I had $5 in my pocket, and I said "What the heck, it's only $5!" I found the nearest quarter slot machine and inserted my money. I was down to my next to last spin (and was getting frustrated with myself for wasting that money) when lights started flashing and loud buzzers began to go off! The woman next to me said "You hit!! You won!!" On the screen, the numbers were climbing and climbing...the anticipation was building. The numbers ran for what seemed like forever, and finally the machine gave me a ticket that said I had won. $345.25! From my little $5 bill.
I have never been one for casinos, but I am beginning to see the draw now!!!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Spring is here!

I just can't believe how wonderful our weather has been this week. It has been in the 70s for the past several days. I am loving it!! This weekend we are going out on the boat and it should be lovely. This is the best time of the year in MS, great temps and lots of sunshine. We had better all enjoy it b/c it won't be long until the summer heat is making us pray for death!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


( I don't have too much to blog about, so I figured y'all might enjoy this. )
1. How old were you when you got your first french kiss?13...ooooh Rob Deloach
2. How many cities/towns have you lived in?9
3. Starkville or Oxford?Starkville ALL THE WAY!!!!
4. Do you leave your bathroom door open or closed when using it in your home?closed and locked!
5. If you were a Smurf, which one would you be?well, I guess Smurfette since she is the only girl
6. Have you ever dropped your cell phone in the toilet?why yes, yes I have
7. Do you talk on the phone while you're using the toilet?no! that drives me crazy
8. When was the last time your prayed?couple of days probably
9. What was the first movie you remember seeing in the theatre? no idea...something Disney though I would assume
10. Can you remember your class' Senior song? FREEEEEE BIIIRRRDDDDD!!!!!
11. Do you still think that you were in love with the person you thought you were in love with in high school?Heck No!!! Jeff WHO??
12. Do you care how many children Brangelina have?
13. Have you ever been arrested?not yet
14. Have you ever been thrown out of a bar?no
15. Nike or New Balance?New Balance
16. Did you ever fail your driver's license exam?No
17. How many wrecks have you had?with me driving...2
18. Have you ever used a crimping iron? You better believe it!
19. Did you actually read the books you did the reports on in school? Cliff Notes!!
20. Have you ever used your cell phone or computer to cheat in class?No
21. Can you finish this line: "Fish heads, fish heads, rolly polly fish heads..? no
22. Did you ever wear bodysuits or parachute pants?I had what we called MC Hammer pants
23. Do you think Harrison Ford is too old to be Indiana Jones?nope
24. Do you have friends who have been there for over 12 years?yes
25. Do you want fries with that? with that shake shake booty?! Yes Please!!!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Smoo Party

Man, I lead a very boring life. There really isn't ever much going on to talk about.
The Smoo and I scouted some potential birthday party locations this weekend. We found a big city park with a pavilion that I can rent. Granted his birthday isn't until 5/23, we have been looking for months. We talk about his birthday on a daily basis. But when you are 4, birthday and Christmas are pretty much all you look forward to. We discuss what the theme will be, and what he wants for gifts ALL THE TIME! I want his parties to be great and memorable for him, but every year I feel like I let him down. We invite a few kids, but no one really ever shows up. Mostly just family and adults. He always has a great time, and I really don't think he cares who else is there, but I just want this one to be great for him. I am going to start planning sooner and hopefully it will be a success.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Only Tuesday????

Hello all. I can tell already that this is going to be a slow week. It is very gloomy out today and it has got me in a bad mood. Well, that and the fact that I have to spend $400 on my car tomorrow.
My meeting with the counselors last week went well. I have 4 classes that I will be able to transfer towards my degree. I have to wait until the end of March however to go any further with my financial aid applications. I was pretty pleased, and now I am excited about getting started. Yay for bigger and better things!!!!
The Smoo got to ride a helicopter this past weekend with his dad. He was very excited about it. They also went to a rodeo. I guess the helicopter ride trumped everything else, because he didn't sound too enthused about the rodeo after that.
I am so ready for spring. I am ready for 80 degree days, and taking the boat out on the lake. Dan is the world's most avid fisher. I love to go. I don't fish that long though, but I love just sitting on the boat and enjoying the outdoors. Won't be long now, fishing season is upon us. Maybe this year I will even catch something worth mounting. I would love to have a 10lb bass of my own in the living room.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

more progress

I am taking the day off tomorrow. My main reason is to go to the school and talk to the counselor about what I need to do to get ready for school in the fall. I have been out so long that I really don't even know where to start. I also need to find out what kind of grants and things that I might be eligible for. I am excited, and I feel like this will give me a good idea of what direction I need to take next.
Who knows, maybe this year I will keep all my resolutions.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Resolution kept

One of my main resolutions this year is to save money. I really want to have something to fall back on in case of emergency. I also want a new car, and would love to have a BIG cash down payment. I started a savings account. I didn't have alot to put it, but I feel like it is a good start. I used to think that I couldn't save any money since I was a single mom and all, but once I really sat down and realized how much money I waste on crap I was astounded. Now I hope I can train myself to be just as excited to get money in my savings account as I normally would be to get to the mall and blow it all. I feel so responsible!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!!!
I hope you all have a wonderful day, and get to spend it with the one you love the most. XOXO

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


What to blog about?? There isn't really much going on lately. Got moved and settled. I am now in the process of trying to find my way around a new town. Funny thing is that it is not far from my hometown, I have just never really spent much time there. Dan gave me a guided tour the other night, but kept going off into history lessons on the town. Needless to say, I was more confused after that. I know the main roads, so I think I should be ok.
The sign up for t-ball is this week. I am considering signing up the Smoo. He is 4, and I don't know if he is ready. Dan thinks I should wait until next year. He isn't very athletic, and his attention span isn't that long, so I don't know if it would go over too well. It is hard to imagine that my baby is old enough for that already. He is growing up so fast.
Speaking of Smoo, I got his first ever progress report from preshool this week. He got all S's which I assume is equivilant to all A's. (Atleast that is what the report says.) He amazes me everyday with the new things he has learned. He is rhyming words all the time now. Such a smart boy!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Friday Pics

Dan the Fisherman He caught these red fish last May off the coast of south Louisana.

Me lovin' on the Smoo last summer. You can tell by his body language that he's had enough mama lovin'!

Me lovin' on Dan. This was about a year ago I guess.

Me lovin' on Smoo you see a trend?? This one was summer of '05 I think.

Lastly, the Smoo and my younest brothers, Jake the Snake, at one of my sisters graduations. This was May of 07.

Enjoy!! And I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!!!

Thursday, February 7, 2008


I am trying to lose 20 lbs by April 1st. I have started drinking lots of water. We have 20 oz cups at work, and yesterday I had about 7 of those. I also have not had any cokes or tea in about a week.(That is HUGE for me!!!) I am very proud of myself. I think cutting out all the sugar in the things I was drinking should help. It has worked for me before....of course I was several years younger, but we will see. Now if I can just find a place in the new house to put my elliptical I will be doing good!

Monday, February 4, 2008


Well, we are officially moved. Everything is unpacked, all the pictures and curtains hung, everything put away in its proper place. The new house is great. There is alot more space than my last place. It feels so homey.
I have one complaint, and it is about my neighborhood WalMart. I went on Saturday, and it was a complete nightmare. I have never seen so many people in a WalMart in my life. I asked the cashier once I finally got to check out (after 30 minutes in line) if it was always that bad. She assured me it was not. Apperantly, alot of people were stocking up for Super Bowl parties. I should have known better though, any WalMart is packed on a Saturday.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Dan brought home the flu this weekend. We all went to the doctor on Saturday, but Smoo and I had negative flu test results. They put us all on tamiflu though....very expensive by the way. After we started taking the meds, we both started running fever and feeling horrible. We are much better today though. I have never had the flu before, but if it is anything like the way I felt this weekend...I never want to get it. I have only had one flu shot before, and that was last year. The shot made me feel really bad too, so I decided to opt out of getting one this year. I think next year I will get one just to be safe.
We have to get better though, seeing as moving day is THIS FRIDAY!! I feel pretty good about the amount of stuff that I have packed already. But if you have ever moved you know that moving day is always a pain no matter how prepared you think you are.

Friday, January 25, 2008



Hi, my name is AL, and I am OBSESSED with celebrity gossip blogs. I read several different ones, and I check them all the time to see if they have been updated. I am a smut reader. I guess it is just interesting to see how those people live. Also, I usually don't have anything better to be doing anyway. I can tell you what Britney Spears did yesterday, and all the latest details on her trainwreck of a life. At the same time, I think it is ridiculous the way the paparazzi follow them around and try to get pictures of their every move...but I guess they are just trying to make a living and entertain people like me. Maybe I should protest by not reading them anymore. Nahhh!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Dan the Man

This is my man. Like is said before, we have been together for a little over a year. He is a really great guy. He is so sweet, handsome, caring, funny...just a doll. He loves to fish! Like loves it more than life itself. He loves to cook too, and cooks for Smoo and I most every night. I am such a lucky girl to come home to dinner on the table everyday practically. And he is a great cook, much better than me. He and Smoo are the best of friends. They wrestle each other for the "World Championship" everyday (which Smoo wins 99.9% of the time) They have their language that they speak. He is a very smart guy, a scientist at heart. He is a very good friend to me. He is so caring and sensative. He is more than I could have ever hoped for. I am so blessed.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Rainy Tuesday

Not too much going on, but I wanted to post anyway.
We got a little snow this past Saturday, and by little I mean 0.50 inches. It didn't stick, but it was nice to see anyway. It has been several years since we have seen any in our area.
Only 10 days until the big move. I steam cleaned the carpet this weekend, and packed some. I packed Smoo's closet, which was probably the most daunting task. We managed to weed out alot of toys for goodwill. He is a very giving child, and when I told him we were going to give his old toys to kids that didn't get anything for Christmas he wanted to give them almost everything he had.

Friday, January 18, 2008

War..huh..good god y'all what is it good for...

I am not trying to offend anyone or start anything with this delicate subject, but it is one that is now close to home for me. I have always been pretty non-political, but with my brother being in Iraq I pay alot more attention to what the presidential hopefuls have to say. I want to hear their solutions for the war on terror. I really wonder if this war can be ended or resolved. I fear that as soon as the troops are gone that things in the middle east will get worse, which might result in troops going back. My brother has an 8 year commitment with the Marines, and though he will be home soon I doubt that it will be his only tour over there. After 911 I thought that going after the people who did that was the most sensible thing to do. Just like Pearl Harbor, there is no way that the American people would have just stood by after that and not have retaliated. But this time it is different, we aren't fighting an army. We are fighting individuals. Any "Joe Blow" walking down the street could be the next terrorist. An army can't fight like that. Now my brother is just sitting over there, thousands of miles away from his home and loved ones, with nothing really to do. Trust me I am grateful that there isn't alot of "action" over there, but it also makes me mad that they would send him away when they don't really need him. So, basically what I am wondering is when will this end? When can our brothers, sons, daughters, and husbands come home? Or will there ALWAYS have to be a millitary presence there to make sure that all the work we have done and changes we have made for those people not be undone as soon as we are gone? And who's to say it is our right to even try to change their way of life?
Anyway, that is just my thoughts (or questions rather) on the matter.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


As I have mentioned before, I am trying to get into school to be a court reporter. The career sounds perfect to me. You would essentially get to be a "fly on the wall" in court cases, depositions, and other things that most people don't get to experience very often. For someone, such as myself, who loves to hear the latest scoop, I think I am a match for this job. Court reporters are self-employed. Most go through agencies that set up your jobs for a fee. The money is pretty darn good too. HOWEVER, to pass the state mandated test to receive your accreditation you have to type 225 wpm. That is freakin flying! Granted I would be typing in short hand and I will have just completed 4 semesters of typing classes, that is still something that weighs heavy on my mind.
I have always been an average typer. I haven't ever really paid attention to my speed until I decided that I want to be a court reporter. Well, I wasn't as fast a typer as I remembered myself being the last time I was actually timed. So, I sit at work and since I have nothing better to do, I do typing tests. All day. Everyday. I have improved my speed a good bit, like 25-30 extra wpm. That's good, but it is still not even close to 225 wpm. I guess now I am afraid that I will get into the classes and the instructor will pull me to the side and say "Are you really sure this is what you want to do? Maybe you should try something that doesn't involve typing." I am willing to try anyway though. I haven't been in school in 9 years, but I am going to give it my all anyway. I am tired of being under paid and under appreciated. I feel I have too much potential to just be the girl that answers the phone for the rest of my life. I want things out of life that I can't afford on my current salary, and if I have learned anything in life it is that I am the only one who can get me the things I want.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Movin' on up...

Today I am signing a lease on a new place. It is in Clinton. It is bigger than where we are now, which is very exciting! We are crammed into a tiny place right now, so this will be great. This is where I am moving so I will be closer to school in the fall. It will only be about a 10 minute drive for me. This is also where Smoo will be going to school next year as he enters kindergarden. We are moving on the 1st of Feb, so I have alot of things to do before packing! Yuck!

Friday, January 11, 2008


This is the Smoo. He is 4 and a 1/2. He is the sweetest, most handsome, thoughtful, funniest, kindest, smartest youngin in the world. He is the light of my life. The ying to my yang. I am the luckiest mother in the world. He has been nothing but a joy his whole life. He potty trained himself in 3 days y' doesn't get much better than that. He harldy ever gets in trouble. He can spell his name backwards. He dreams of being a super hero so he can fight the bad guys. When I asked him what his super hero power was, he replied " I don't need super powers mama, I just need my ninja skills! " He loves rock and roll! He knows most of the words to most AC/DC songs. Everyday when I pick him up from school he asks me " How was work today mama? " He notices if I get a haircut or a new shirt and always compliments me on it. He likes older women...his girlfriend is 6! Last Valentine's Day he took his own $ to the store and we walked the aisles for quite a while until he found the perfect stuffed dog that he knew she would love. He has never met anyone that he didn't like. He brings a smile to everyone that he encounters. I am so blessed to be able to have a place in his life. I thank the lord for him everyday.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Mac Attack!

The title of my blog is from my favorite song on earth. The song has meant so much to me. The first time I heard it, I mean really heard it, it brought me to tears. Never before had music spoken to me like that. There were lots of songs that I liked, but none that had ever reached down into my soul and shaken me to the core like that. So of course they are my all time favorite band b/c they are the band that really turned me on to music. If you have never listened to them you should really give them a try. There songs are like poetry set to music.


I am a couple of weeks late but here are my resolutions:
1) Get back into school - after about 9 yrs of being out I am ready to go back. There is a court reporting program at a local community college that I want to enroll in. I am going to set up a meeeting with a counselor for this month and see what kind of grants and stuff I can get. It is a 2 year course, so hopefully I will be done before I am 30.
2) Lose weight (of course) - last year I started the year out rather slim, but managed to gain back all the weight that I had lost to become slim. I guess it is a combination of bad eating habits, no exercise and being comfortable in a new relationship with a man who cooks really well and all the time.
3) Be more responsible with $ - as a single mother, I don't have much to begin with, but I usually blow the little bit that I do have. $ just burns a whole in my pockets and I really need to have some in savings to fall back on. So far this year I have saved up a couple hundred to help with moving expenses that are coming at the end of the month, and I have been really pleased with myself for that. I hope to keep it up and have a good chunk in savings at the end of 2008.

I am really excited about this year, I think it will be a year full of good changes. Smoo will start kindergarden this year, and hopefully I will be starting about the same time. We are moving to a new place that is bigger and nicer, and I am really excited about it. My brother will be coming home from Iraq. Dan and I will hopefully have a great 2nd year together. I am hopeful and looking to make positive steps forward for the first time in a long time. I hope this will be the year that I take control of my life, instead of just letting life happen to me.

New to this

I am AL. I am a 27 yr old single mother. I have a 4 yr old that we'll call Smoo. I work a boring desk job that drains the life out of me. I dream of going back to school and am trying to make progressive steps in that direction. I have a boyfriend, Dan. He is great and we have been together for a little over a year now. My friends have been doing blogs for a long time now, but I feel like I want to give it a try now and see if anyone actually cares what I have to say. I guess we will see.