Tuesday, March 11, 2008


( I don't have too much to blog about, so I figured y'all might enjoy this. )
1. How old were you when you got your first french kiss?13...ooooh Rob Deloach
2. How many cities/towns have you lived in?9
3. Starkville or Oxford?Starkville ALL THE WAY!!!!
4. Do you leave your bathroom door open or closed when using it in your home?closed and locked!
5. If you were a Smurf, which one would you be?well, I guess Smurfette since she is the only girl
6. Have you ever dropped your cell phone in the toilet?why yes, yes I have
7. Do you talk on the phone while you're using the toilet?no! that drives me crazy
8. When was the last time your prayed?couple of days probably
9. What was the first movie you remember seeing in the theatre? no idea...something Disney though I would assume
10. Can you remember your class' Senior song? FREEEEEE BIIIRRRDDDDD!!!!!
11. Do you still think that you were in love with the person you thought you were in love with in high school?Heck No!!! Jeff WHO??
12. Do you care how many children Brangelina have?uhhh....no
13. Have you ever been arrested?not yet
14. Have you ever been thrown out of a bar?no
15. Nike or New Balance?New Balance
16. Did you ever fail your driver's license exam?No
17. How many wrecks have you had?with me driving...2
18. Have you ever used a crimping iron? You better believe it!
19. Did you actually read the books you did the reports on in school? Cliff Notes!!
20. Have you ever used your cell phone or computer to cheat in class?No
21. Can you finish this line: "Fish heads, fish heads, rolly polly fish heads..? no
22. Did you ever wear bodysuits or parachute pants?I had what we called MC Hammer pants
23. Do you think Harrison Ford is too old to be Indiana Jones?nope
24. Do you have friends who have been there for over 12 years?yes
25. Do you want fries with that? with that shake shake booty?! Yes Please!!!


wallrock said...

Nice! Are you serious about the "Freebird"? Because that would be the most awesome thing I've heard in a while!

over my head said...

I kid you not sir...you can verify that with Sarah. It's not too uncommon in the south where everything Skynrd ever sang is pretty much considered an anthem.

wallrock said...

Alright! Did they get through the whole thing? That's rockin!

We had Green Day's "Time Of Your Life" which I had been stoked about when we selected it. When the senior class was selecting the song the usual suspects were being thrown around (i.e. rock ballads, sappy country songs, etc.) but a couple of friends and I lobbied for the Green Day song. Nimrod had just come out and we thought we were privvy to this kick-ass graduation song that no one else had heard of. We got it through, but then the song came out as a single a month or so later and half of America picked that song.

PrincessGreen17 said...

Our class song was "Here I Go Again" by Whitesnake...kind of a throwback, too!