Wednesday, April 16, 2008

We had Smoo's booster shots yesterday. It is a good thing that Dan was there b/c I couldn't have held him down on my own. When we got there he wasn't upset or anything, but he started to get nervous when they called us back to the room. When we got in there and he saw the needles, he started to cry. He had to have 4 shots, and after the 1st one he was hysterical. In between his loud, pitiful sobs and crocidile tears, he was screaming at the nurse "DON'T DO THAT AGAIN!!" and "GET AWAY FROM ME!!" It was a pretty bad ordeal, and I felt horrible when he looked at me like I had betrayed him. Luckily, there is nothing in a child's world that a happy meal can't fix. He had forgotten all about after only 15 minutes.


Anonymous said...

Aww, poor little Smoo! He had to have been really upset to yell at the nurse, because I know he isn't normally like that!

BabyMakes4 said...

poor baby!! glad the happy meal healed him right up. :)

over my head said...

Nope that was a side of the Smoo I had never seen before.

PrincessGreen17 said...

Poor thing. Thank God for McDonalds!

taylor said...

Happy Meals are the best! Don't you wish they could solve all your problems?