Thursday, February 7, 2008


I am trying to lose 20 lbs by April 1st. I have started drinking lots of water. We have 20 oz cups at work, and yesterday I had about 7 of those. I also have not had any cokes or tea in about a week.(That is HUGE for me!!!) I am very proud of myself. I think cutting out all the sugar in the things I was drinking should help. It has worked for me before....of course I was several years younger, but we will see. Now if I can just find a place in the new house to put my elliptical I will be doing good!


Anonymous said...

Good luck! I've cut out my daily diet Dr. Pepper because the sodium is supposed to be bad if you want to lose weight. Not that I'm actively trying to lose, but I took that small step.

wallrock said...

Yeah - Good Luck! I've pretty much cut all pop out of my life, but I've unfortunately replaced that with delicious, delicious beer. When I was in Israel I drank mostly water and coffee, but only two times did I have a brew. I dropped around 15 lbs. in two weeks, but I was walking up and down big-ass hills at the same time.

taylor said...

What happens April 1st? Or is that just a deadline? Cutting out sugary drinks should definitely help make a difference. And drinking a lot of water is great for your body as a whole... but I have heard that you CAN drink too much. I'd be careful about going too much over 10 8oz cups a day.

Anonymous said...

I am such a liar. I stopped at the gas station on the way to work today and bought a diet dp. But I don't have a 12-pack in the fridge anymore.

over my head said...

You know Mandy, I thought about that the other day after I read a story about a man that died from drinking too much water!! I will have to look into that.
Way to go Dan on your 15lbs!!
Bad Sarah!!!(J/K) You should give up Diet DP for lent.

PrincessGreen17 said...

I'm trying to drink more water gets kind of annoying going to the bathroom so much! Dan, I am so jealous! :)