Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Resolution kept

One of my main resolutions this year is to save money. I really want to have something to fall back on in case of emergency. I also want a new car, and would love to have a BIG cash down payment. So...today I started a savings account. I didn't have alot to put it, but I feel like it is a good start. I used to think that I couldn't save any money since I was a single mom and all, but once I really sat down and realized how much money I waste on crap I was astounded. Now I hope I can train myself to be just as excited to get money in my savings account as I normally would be to get to the mall and blow it all. I feel so responsible!


PrincessGreen17 said...

Yay for good habits!

taylor said...

Congratulations! Good luck with your savings! You'll be surprised... once you get some money saved up, you'll do just about whatever you can to NOT spend it. I hate touching my savings.. I don't want it to go anywhere because it feels so good to have it there!

Anonymous said...

I definitely get a thrill out of putting more money in my savings. Go you!