Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Movin' on up...

Today I am signing a lease on a new place. It is in Clinton. It is bigger than where we are now, which is very exciting! We are crammed into a tiny place right now, so this will be great. This is where I am moving so I will be closer to school in the fall. It will only be about a 10 minute drive for me. This is also where Smoo will be going to school next year as he enters kindergarden. We are moving on the 1st of Feb, so I have alot of things to do before then....like packing! Yuck!


Anonymous said...

Packing is no fun! But if you start early you'll have time to make separate piles of stuff to donate or throw away!

over my head said...

oh don't worry about that! i got rid of 6 garbage bags of clothes already. goodwill was happy to see me coming!


Good luck with the move!

PrincessGreen17 said...

Sounds like you're getting a lot done!

taylor said...

:'( I can't believe you're moving so far away from me! Now I'll surely never get to see you!