My baby isn't really a baby anymore :( He is out of preschool and on to kindergarten in the fall.
...but it sure feels nice
(Yes, I am a pic stealer MK!) There were a couple of news crews there. I watched the videos online and I saw Smoo on both channels, in both clips you could only see him for a second though.
Dan has recently started a new job. It seems like it will be very promising. He is now a locksmith. He has been training for a couple of weeks, but should start on his own very soon. There will be a significant pay increase, so we are thrilled.
That is really about all that has been going on around here. I will try to post something else soon.
Dan the Fisherman He caught these red fish last May off the coast of south Louisana.
Me lovin' on the Smoo last summer. You can tell by his body language that he's had enough mama lovin'!
Me lovin' on Dan. This was about a year ago I guess.
Me lovin' on Smoo again...do you see a trend?? This one was summer of '05 I think.
Lastly, the Smoo and my younest brothers, Jake the Snake, at one of my sisters graduations. This was May of 07.
Enjoy!! And I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!!!